Thursday, 17 November 2011

Why it’s OK to Blog about Chocolate Freckles.

Some current moving-to-Melbourne-stress has left me needing a little guidance with my blog this week. So I decided I’d turn to The Oxford English Dictionary, having remembered it being helpful when preparing for Year 8 English debates such as ‘Does the TV show ‘The Nanny’ objectify women?’.

Upon not finding an Oxford English Dictionary in my laptop bag, I instead turned to defines ‘Blog’ as:
‘A website containing the writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.’ 
(NB. Cleverly, it can also be a verb.)

So, based on this, I happily concluded two things:
Conclusion 1. Yes, I am writing a blog. I am ‘blogging’, as it were.
Conclusion 2. I am basically allowed to write anything that I want, so there.

In light of the definition above, I will now provide you with an ‘observation’ I deemed blog-worthy…

I like coffee right? Right. So in my first week living in Fitzroy, I received cappuccino after capuccino in paper cups. Even though I was ‘dining in’, I still got them in paper cups. I remembered from past experience that this is commonplace at chain-establishments like Star ****s and G****Jean, but never at smaller hole-in-the-wall type holes-in-the-wall. I told a few Melbourne locals about this and even they couldn’t tell me what was going on, even though some of them wear black square-framed glasses. The answer, I realized eventually, is that, wait for it...

Melbourne does not do the ‘Mugoccino’!

Let me explain why this is so significant…
In Torquay, the Mugoccino is a perfectly acceptable form of coffee. This is presumably because surfers get up so early that they need lots of coffee in order to make it through a hard day of surfing and coffee. (Mugoccino (mine) from Torquay, pictured below).

No, I am not a surfer. My own reasons for enjoying a Mugoccino are much less cool/rational, and mostly to do with a self-diagnosed case of ‘Restless Legs’, which I diagnosed using the internet. Apparently, too much coffee can cause this annoying made-up-sounding condition, and so I decided to cut back from two cups per day, to one super-large mug, or ‘Mugoccino’.

To finish up, here is a picture of me with a giant freckle that I made at The Chocolate Factory in Corowa last weekend (that right, MADE!). Yes, that is genuine joy on my face.  No, it is not relevant to anything else in this post except I guess it’s technically an ‘experience’ (see Definition, above).

1 comment:

  1. I happen to know your anonymous boyfriend (Dale) and I bet he would like some credit for the professionally sprinkled sprinkles on the baby giant size freckle.
