The problem, it seems, is that when I have the time to do something I want to do, it somehow always becomes much more difficult (I’m not talking about Nutella-eating, I seem to be have no problems at all with that.). It's as though my ability to be creative is reliant on my inability… as though they are the one entity... like Harry and Lord Voldemort.
It all started when I discovered that the local Library in Fitzroy rents its meeting rooms at the low low price of $8.80 for three hours. This seemed to me a great price, and so yesterday decided to rent a room, all the while giving myself high-fives for being so resourceful, and thinking ‘I bet this is how Bob Dylan wrote so many amazing songs, and in exactly three hours I will have written Shelter From The Storm II.’ However when I told myself that it was time to ‘be creative now’, for some reason my mind went into some kind of pressure-fit, and I ended up writing Taylor Swift’s latest hit, but with different lyrics.
Seemed to me like a problem.
Did I mention that I’m really good at solving other people’s problems? Usually, my strategy is to liken the dilemma to a similar situation, which by comparison seems less confusing. Then, all of a sudden the answer becomes clear and obvious, and I feel like some kind of genius who should have her own show.
Let me demonstrate. For this problem, I will use bees.
Think of a bee that likes to drink nectar from flowers (they do this right?) but is just way too busy with its other bee-commitments, such as making chocolate-freckles for a local chocolate factory (and besides, it could get the nectar cheaper from the Coles in Fitzroy anyway).
Then one day the chocolate factory closes down.
Having been frugal and financially sensible in the past, the bee luckily is not particularly worried, and is able to remain fed and emotionally stable (stay with me…) until it finds a new job.
So what this means is that the bee (who loves sucking nectar out of flowers, as mentioned in earlier rambles) now has loads of spare time to pursue it’s nectar-sucking, but somehow can’t seem to remember why/how/when it usually does these things and so spends most of it’s free time eating tapas at local restaurants.
So as you can see, I am way better at solving other people’s problems. Maybe I’ll just go with the Taylor Swift thing. A whole generation of teens agree it’s a great idea.
Please find below a picture (taken for a previous Nutella themed blog-post) of me and large jar of Nutella.